Saturday, March 2, 2013

Orange Leaf Girl

Brandon: There we were, standing in line at Orange Leaf.

Derek: I had put a Reese's cup and a brownie bite on my yogurt.

Brandon: Derek had preformed a wonderful solo that night at his choir concert.

Derek: Brandon did an excellent job being the cheerful crowd goer.

Brandon: I turn to Derek and say "Let's be fair, Derek, Today you're the hero and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians!" Suddenly, the girl behind the counter says "Oh, I love that movie!"

Derek: It was too good to be true.

Brandon: I wish you could have seen our faces.

Derek: Excited, near to tears, and astonished... If you could sum it up in two words, I'd say we were... pleasantly surprised.

Brandon: I asked her, "That's a pretty vague quote. How did you recognize it?" She responded, "Oh, I'm kind of obsessed with those movies."

Derek: It was platonic respect at first sight. 

Brandon: I nearly asked her for her number on the spot. I didn't. 

Derek: "Only you would be so bold!..." 

Brandon:  We forgot to tell you what movie that quote was from.

Derek: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith... The blog makes more sense when you know that...

Brandon: Indeed...


  1. Mm. Girls are wonderful beings, full of mysteries and surprises. Never underestimate a woman... never... lest you perish... in flames...

    1. I'll have to agree with you on that one! -Brandon
