Friday, February 15, 2013

The Second First Post

 Brandon: So! Our first post! :)

Derek: While we were coming up with ideas for the blog, Brandon and I were looking around Facebook.

 I found the following picture of our friend Greyden.

Instantly Derek's reaction was "This image is just asking for photoshop."

I thought, "It needs an explosion behind him..."

"...and an attractive woman." But we decided to take things one step at a time. 

Here are the results:

But it just wasn't... Greyden. So we decided to go with the next step: 

Then again, Superman just didn't seem good enough, not for Greyden--

--I mean just look at that face--

Every time I look at that face, I think, "BWAAAAAHHHHHM!!"

(picture deep tuba noise) 

Thank goodness for Photoshop!

...and Greyden's consent......

1 comment:

  1. I see... you reveal more than you know...
