Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Adventure

Derek: Here's Brandon's final post before he left.


Hey there everyone. Brandon here. Derek mentioned in an earlier post that I would be leaving for a few years. This is true. And that time has now come. 

It has been fun starting the blog and reminiscing on good ole stories with Derek. I look forward to this next adventure for me in my life. As the late Bilbo Baggins once said "I think I'm quite ready for another adventure."

But don't worry. I will return. 

But for the mean time, if you remember Jace from our Star Wars 7 post, "Is It A Trap?", he will be the one replacing me for the time being. Derek will soon follow me and will also have to be replaced and so forth until we return. Derek and I have some bright plans for the future. Keep a weathered eye on the horizon. After Derek leaves and returns, who knows what we will do. Maybe start a video blog, maybe a podcast -- all this on top of MAKING THE MARK. This is our greatest goal, to discover what this means.

Perhaps Derek and I shall make a video upon our return? The other day we were talking about how fake reality TV is (the irony). And he presented to me an idea his older brother Taylor gave him. For now we will leave out the name of this idea. We will just call it: "Derek and Brandon's Real Reality Project". Perhaps nothing will ever come of this, or perhaps something will. I for one am quite intrigued by the idea. The point is: The future is bright. This is just another step in the process. 

It has been great. It has been fun. Continue making the mark, my friends. Until next time!

The Road Goes On...