Saturday, March 30, 2013

Is it a Trap?

Brandon: Being the die hard Star Wars Fans that we are, we thought we should have a post about Star Wars Episode VII and are feelings concerning it!

Derek: Naturally...we thought we ought to bring someone else into this discussion as well, so without further ado, here's our good friend, and fellow appreciator, Jace!

Jace: Hey everybody! I'm pretty excited about being part of Making the Mark, and can't wait to see where it leads!

Brandon: So first off, how do you guys feel about all this news that Star Wars will be returning again? (include what you think about Disney owning Lucasfilm)

Derek: Well, I'm honestly a little excited. Knowing that Disney took over the operation, I think there's a new hope for the third trilogy. George Lucas was having a rough time with the prequels (all except the critics' acceptance of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith), and the new Star Wars lineup needed some redemption. Personally, I believe George Lucas had healthy limits on his imagination in the old movies due to the lack of CGI technology. I admire him tremendously, but I believe the following picture sums up why he did better in the 80's.


Maybe his status as a "creative consultant" will be better for the direction of the new movies. Overall though, I'm ready for the return of the franchise.

Jace: A little disclaimer for this one: While I'm definitely a Star Wars fan, I'll admit that all I know of the saga is what I watched in the movies. I haven't read any Star Wars books, or comics, and I don't follow movie directors very closely. But I bet as long as they have George Lucas and some of the original people with them, it'll turn out awesome. 

Brandon: Alrighty then. At first, call me a nerd, I could barely sleep. I didn't know what to think about this news. But as more and more info came out about it the more hope I got for it. I mean I had never dreamed of seeing a Star Wars VII, VIII and IX. So the idea of getting excited again for all new movies is intriguing to me. What do you think about J.J Abrams as the director and Michael Arndt as the writer, with Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg on board as well?

Derek: The moment I heard J.J. Abrams was cast as the director, I knew they'd have a shot. After directing the highly successful reboot of Star Trek, Abrams came into the picture as a promising figure for the film industry (it always helps that Abrams is a fan of Star Wars as well). As with Lawrence Kasdan from The Empire Strikes Back (my favorite episode as well as the highest critically acclaimed) consulting with Michael Arndt, this is truly the best possible scenario for the re-awakening of Star Wars.

Jace: Wow, I'm a lot more excited now! I didn't know J.J. was directing!

Brandon: I know right? I too am excited about Lawrence Kasdan being apart of it again. One thing that made the Original Trilogy successful I think is the fact that different people worked on each film. But you know what, when the last two (5 and 6) were so successful they should have brought back some of the people who made it so magical. Abrams is one of my favorite directors, so to see him at the helm is exciting to me. Bring back some of the old people mixed with a new fresh crew is an exciting idea. How do you feel knowing that Disney is planning on doing Star Wars spin-off films?

Derek: Hm... I'm hesitant about Disney creating them... not because they're Disney necessarily, but that the Star Wars Filming Universe might become too saturated. I loved the old movies and, honestly, I enjoyed watching the new ones. It took me a little time to warm up to Star Wars Episode
 VII, and I'll probably see the spin-offs, but if the new episodes go well, it might be best for them to just stop while they're ahead. 

Jace: If they get a lot of different Star Wars spin-offs going, I feel like one of two things will happen. The entire franchise will either blast off and keep going hard and outdo even the Avengers franchise (which I'm a huge fan of, btw); or they try to do that, and they kill it. I think the first one is more likely, but hey, you never know.

Brandon: I think it's a fantastic idea myself. If one is flop I don't think it will affect the overall saga too much, but think of the possibilities! There are so many characters and stories out there! And different directors mean different styles. Imagine seeing Star Wars in so many different ways! What would you enjoy seeing as a spin-off film?

Derek: If I were to see a spin-off film... Yoda would be cool to watch... I think I could enjoy watching his story for about two hours...

Jace: The main things I would want to see would be epic background/origin stories of awesome characters like Yoda, or Qui-Gon Jinn. I always wondered where those guys came from.

Brandon: Yes, I too would love seeing a Yoda or Boba Fett or Han Solo spin-off, but you know what I would really like to see: I would like to see a spin-off about Darth Plagueis the Wise. Explaining the whole relationship between him, Sidious, and the Clone Wars. I mean it's already been so well set up in Episode III. Maybe they'll even let me direct it. I can see it now: "Star Wars: Plagueis" Directed by Brandon MyLastName.

 Derek Vader - Image Courtesy of... well, Derek Vader

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