Friday, March 15, 2013

To Destroy the Death Star

Brandon: Now obviously, from our last post, Derek and I like Star Wars.

Derek + Brandon= Perfect Combo
√Derek x Brandon= Too awesome

Derek: You could say we are, what's the term? Geeks? Nerds?

Brandon: Enthusiasts. Star Wars fans. Lovers of classic visualistic moving art.

Derek: Exactly (whatever that means). Anyways, so Brandon and I created a short-term bucket list with a variety of things-

Brandon: -including this blog-

Derek: -to do before Brandon leaves on a brief two-year hiatus.

Brandon: The last thing we wrote on that bucket list was:

Derek: Destroy the Death Star.

Brandon: Exactly. The only problem is, we had no clue what that meant. Was it symbolic? Was it literal, and if so then how?

Derek: I decided it meant destroying the Death Star on a Star Wars GameCube game...

Brandon: Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen,the classic ROGUE SQUADRON.

Derek: Rebel Strike III to be exact.

Brandon: So here's where the problem comes in. We do have a Wii, but we do not have the game.

Derek: But a friend did! So we called him, and went to pick up the game.

Brandon: That's when I realized I didn't own any game cube controllers. So we asked this friend of ours if we could borrow some from him. He agreed. We were set, or so we thought. . . .

Derek: We plugged the game in. . .

Brandon: And discovered we had no sensor bar. I had loaned it to Derek at an earlier date.

Derek: My apologies--although that turned out to be a very good game of Mario Kart...

Brandon: Indeed it was. I kicked butt.

Derek: We grabbed Brandon's sensor bar and all was well.

Brandon: Knock on wood,  Derek.

Derek: We plugged it in, excited to finally destroy the Death Star!...

Brandon: And....

Derek: "Negative, it didn't go in..."

Brandon: All that had halted us was a blasted memory card.

Derek: All that had halted us was a... wait, didn't I write this first?

Brandon: (Gotta love blog editing) What, a memory card? We weren't even planning on saving!!!

Derek: I started texting around for a memory card.

Brandon: We finally were able to get one from our friend Nathan's sister. 10:30 at night...

Brandon: We plugged in the game. We had everything now, or so we thought....

Derek: Yep, we were right. We had everything.

Brandon: Then it asked for a memory card. Turns out we only had to click okay. To this day I'm still not sure if we needed in the first place. :P 

Derek: Anyways, we started the Death Star level! 

Brandon: On a scale from 1-10. We were definitely an 11. 

Derek: Really?

Brandon: Make that a negative 11.

Derek: Right. We flew right past the exhaust port (which is a giant wall). And...died.

Brandon: For those of you who know that that means..... yeeeeaaahh. We're noobs, we suck. 

Derek: I think our accuracy was 10%.

Brandon: That high, huh? 

Derek: A new record! Personal best.

Brandon: Instead of a great dark blur I was beginning to see a great bright blur.

Derek: What does that even mean?

Brandon: I have no clue. Heard it in a movie once. 

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