Friday, February 15, 2013

The Second First Post

 Brandon: So! Our first post! :)

Derek: While we were coming up with ideas for the blog, Brandon and I were looking around Facebook.

 I found the following picture of our friend Greyden.

Instantly Derek's reaction was "This image is just asking for photoshop."

I thought, "It needs an explosion behind him..."

"...and an attractive woman." But we decided to take things one step at a time. 

Here are the results:

But it just wasn't... Greyden. So we decided to go with the next step: 

Then again, Superman just didn't seem good enough, not for Greyden--

--I mean just look at that face--

Every time I look at that face, I think, "BWAAAAAHHHHHM!!"

(picture deep tuba noise) 

Thank goodness for Photoshop!

...and Greyden's consent......

The First Post

Well.... Hello there! My name's Derek.

 And I am Brandon! 

Welcome to Making the Mark. Our first--

--and probably only--


So the purpose of this blog is...wait, do we even know the purpose of this blog?

Well, not yet... but maybe one day we'll know what it means to make the mark.

I suppose that's true. I guess you could say we're just as interested to figure out what that means as you are...which is probably not very much considering you just discovered this blog. 

Anyways, strap yourselves in and join us on this adventure.

...What he said...